Important KSC article MBD & PMI Test part

Precisiebeurs Veldhoven 2015

18 and 19 November 2016

It was great, a more-than-expected interest.

KnowledgeSharingCentre stand.


Many interested suppliers left behind there business card.


Functionality made visible by using an iPad.


KnowledgeSharingCentre Logo.


Conference presentation by Frank van der Chijs.

IMG_6714 IMG_6716 IMG_6717


The “Precisiebeurs” team.


From Left to right:

The student’s names are underlined. We will thank them for the great help, they were amazing ambassadors.
Arno Sprengers, ?, Sjoerd Postma, ?, Louis Delsing, ?, Irene Vriezen en Frank van der Chijs.

KSC Wheel

Why a Knowledge Sharing Centre?

Things are running rather smoothly in the high tech manufacturing industry. Even so, this is no guarantee for the future. Collaboration based on knowledge sharing will brings us the new future.

The KSC is the connector between companies from the design and manufacturing industry, which bundles knowledge in an accessible way to achieve joint growth and collaborations on a trusted basis.

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