Important KSC article MBD & PMI Test part

Best Thesis Award and foundation for KSC

Anne Gommers received the best thesis award for her contribution to the knowledge sharing center.


Award ceremony:
Left:          Wendy van der Valk ( W. van der Valk
Academic Director Master Supply Chain Management).
Right:        Anne Gommers


Thesis Anne Gommers


Text by Anne Gommers
(Intern for KSC)

On October 18 2016, I received my Master of Science certificate from Tilburg University. During the graduation ceremony, I was awarded the ‘Best Thesis Award’ for the thesis I wrote for the Knowledge Sharing Centre. Again, I would like to thank everyone who added value to this project and therefore made it possible to receive this amazing prize!



Left:          Anne Gommers
Right:        Bart Vos
NEVI Professor of Purchasing Management Tilburg University”


Text by Bart Vos
(Professor Tilburg University)

As her supervisor, I can only confirm that the Best Supply Chain Management Thesis Award 2016 handed out to Anne Gommers on October 18 was fully deserved. Throughout my career so far I have supervised many, many students during their thesis project, yet Anne clearly was one of a select group of top performers. Anne worked in a very professional, disciplined way on this challenging topic, clearly in control in planning her thesis project and ultimately delivering a thesis with both academic and managerial relevance. Having said that, it would not have been possible for Anne to write such a high-quality thesis without  the valuable input from many people involved with the Knowledge Sharing Centre initiative.  Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all these people for their much appreciated support.



Foto: Links Ellen Gommers (zus) Midden Anne Gommers Rechts Lei Gommers (vader)

KSC Wheel

Why a Knowledge Sharing Centre?

Things are running rather smoothly in the high tech manufacturing industry. Even so, this is no guarantee for the future. Collaboration based on knowledge sharing will brings us the new future.

The KSC is the connector between companies from the design and manufacturing industry, which bundles knowledge in an accessible way to achieve joint growth and collaborations on a trusted basis.

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