Important KSC article MBD & PMI Test part

Construction fundamentals

As an example of a construction fundamental is the use of a thermal center for accurate positioning.  This construction fundamental is a comparison for a simple load case that describes the principle of the principle in this case. Because of the simplicity, these fundamentals are relatively easy to memorize, from where the name “forget-me-not”. The forget-me-nots are widely used in the engineering sciences, such as mechanical engineering and civil engineering.

For the overview of the fundamentals see KSC

KSC Wheel

Why a Knowledge Sharing Centre?

Things are running rather smoothly in the high tech manufacturing industry. Even so, this is no guarantee for the future. Collaboration based on knowledge sharing will brings us the new future.

The KSC is the connector between companies from the design and manufacturing industry, which bundles knowledge in an accessible way to achieve joint growth and collaborations on a trusted basis.

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