Gregor Reischle – AM Entrepreneur
Provides AM part specific entrepreneurship & state of the art qualification know-how.
Gregor Reischle – AM Entrepreneur – Qualified AM Program
With the vision to provide highly automated qualification services for Additive manufacturing components, which increase the safety level, eliminate the costs of trail & fail and accelerates the use of high-end parts containing the AM business value factors.
Therefor Gregor works on standardized quality assurance solutions using Additive Manufacturing, since 2008. He worked as production manager at medical device manufacturers, application engineer and consultant at AM System manufacturers, like EOS GmbH. Additionally, he was an auditor, program manager and global head of operations at testing inspection and certification companies like TUV SUD. He initiated, wrote, lead and co-develop six ISO/ASTM standards within the space of qualified additive manufacturing. The standards ISO/ASTM 52920, 52954-1, 52954-2, DIN SPEC 17071 were initiated by him. Gregor founded his company AM Entrepreneur in 2021 to assure growth and accountability of Additive Manufacturing within the industrial space. His audit, assessment and qualification services have the aim to combine quality assurance & economic considerations within the Additive Manufacturing space. While doing so, he is revolutionizing the way, on how AM part quality is assured.
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Qualified AM supply chain management
Manufacturing Technology Manufacturing 2023
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Gregor Reischle – AM Entrepreneur
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