CRAFT-Education is an Education institute specialized in knowledge transfer in a working environment and learning by doing. Bringing the theory alive by learning as an expert. CRAFT-Education has four dimensions, high-end knowledge transfer based on efficient learning mechanisms, personal development of craftmanship, company development and specialised learning tools.
The KnowHow method, introduced by CRAFT-Education enables the trainee to learn and think as an expert. This provides a basis for managing constant change and keeping the knowledge and skills up to date. Experts think structurally where to incorporate new technologies and new insights. Therefore, change for an expert is “logical” and builds on existing knowledge.
CRAFT-Education is positioned between the design and the production process. The current and future industry demands quality and at the same time fast delivery at low cost. The bridge, good communication, between the designers and production is more important than ever. Sharing and creating knowledge about processes will help the (future) industry demands.

Course Geometric Product Specification
The course is based on the NEN-EN-ISO 1101:2017 norm. This norm is developed and used to specify geometric product specification with symbols in form, orientation, location and run-out. On top of these symbols there are additional symbols to specify products on a technical drawing. NEN-EN-ISO 1101:2017 is a norm that is important for designers as well for mechanical engineers.
During the course the trainee will learn the meaning off the symbols and how to apply them on a technical drawing (2D or 3D).
The course is based on digital-learning modules, enables individual learning in own pace. On top of the Digital-learning modules group or individual sessions are provided to deepen and safeguard the knowledge. The course is available with handbook
The target group for this course are developers and Mechanical engineers.
Roy van Bussel | CRAFT-Education 31681221094

Course: CAD design based on SolidWorks or Autodesk Inventor
This course is developed to help unskilled users familiarize themselves with and quickly start to use SolidWorks of Autodesk Inventor. This course is a hands-on course that helps the user to master the most important functions of SolidWorks or Inventor.
The course examines all aspects of the process, from creating a model to finalize a 2D drawing. CAD/CAM programming or 3D printing is increasingly common today, meaning that a good 3D model is essential. However, the dimensional accuracies, the surface finish (roughness) and the shape and positioning tolerances cannot (yet)be seen in the 3D model. In addition, a 2D drawing also provides information about the materials, post treatment processes and contains other comments.
The target group for this course are developers and Mechanical engineers.
Roy van Bussel | CRAFT-Education 31681221094

Company info
List of specifications
- 1 - 25
- Teaching Institutes
- Nationally,