Karel Driesse
Manager Training Quality and Innovations
Background and Motivation:
My education, background and experience are rooted in technology, business administration and corporate learning. During the years working within multinational corporates I gained experience being the corporate learning architect. As such I define, develop and deploy corporate learning strategies and build corporate academy.
Knowledge is a very important and essential asset within a company as well as between companies (f.i. the supply chain). Would you unhesitatingly say that all the knowledge and wisdom in the world reside in your company? I seek to optimize the knowledge “flow”, making knowledge productive. Collaboration is my motto; working together with all stakeholders to optimize the time to competency of the employees, teams and the company as a whole.
I aim to bring learning to the next level within a company. Making learning part of the daily workflow of the employee and creating a learning culture. Amongst others based on 70:20:10 principle but also using the “5 moments of learning need”. My learning strategies are based on 4 pillars: providing courses and knowledge resources, promoting social collaboration and personal learning.
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